
Cookie use policy


When you visit our website https://pierreblanche.mc, cookies (and other tracking devices) are placed or read on the terminal you are using (your computer, cell phone or tablet). This charter explains which types of cookies we use and for what purposes.

We also explain what your rights are regarding these cookies and how you can exercise them.

This charter gives you additional information to that which you find in the cookies banner that you see when you browse our site.

This Charter relating to Cookies is drafted in accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 (known as "Loi informatique et libertés" or "LIL") and the General Regulation on the protection of Personal Data ("RGDP") n°2016/679.


Who is responsible for this Charter?


The person in charge of processing is the company Pierre Blanche Groupe Immobilier, represented by its legal representative Rodrigue Monteiro.

The contact email address is: contact@pierreblanche.mc


What is a cookie and what is it used for?


The cookie is a tracer. When an Internet user navigates on a website, it makes it possible to collect personal information about him.

When you use your computer, cookies are managed by your Internet browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or Internet Explorer).

There are other types of trackers, in addition to cookies (invisible pixel, fingerprinting, local storage, etc.).

Some cookies are internal to the website, others are third-party cookies placed on the site by third-party companies.

For the sake of simplicity, we will use the term "cookies" in this policy to refer to different types of trackers.

A cookie may collect various personal data about you such as your computer's IP address, the browser you are using, the date and time of your connection, the pages you visit on the site, etc.

Generally, five types of cookies can be used on a site:

- Cookies necessary for the operation of the site;
- Cookies for personalizing content according to usage;
- Analytical cookies (to measure the audience of the site);
- Advertising cookies;
- Cookies for sharing on social networks;


What types of cookies do we use on this website?


The types of cookies we use on the website are as follows:

- Cookies allowing, facilitating the functioning of the site;
- Content personalization cookies;
- Audience measurement cookies: we use Google's cookies (Analytics). Their policy is available on this link;


What are your rights regarding cookies?


In accordance with Article 82 of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the Internet user is informed of the processing of personal data carried out by means of cookies.

This charter fulfills this obligation of information.

In addition, if we use cookies that require the consent of the user, the consent is obtained when a Cookie banner appears on the website.

As long as the Internet user has not been informed and has not given his express consent, this type of cookie is not deposited or read on his terminal.

Consent is requested for each type of cookie (by purpose).

The list of third party cookie providers is given at the time of consent.

The user has the possibility to delay his choice and to decide later. As long as consent is not given, no cookies are deposited.

The user has the possibility to refuse the deposit of these cookies.

It is possible to withdraw consent at any time and as easily as it was given.
The deposited cookies have a maximum life span of 13 months. At the end of this period, consent is requested again.

The Internet user is informed that he can deactivate cookies by setting his Internet browser:
If the Internet user wishes to delete the cookies stored on his terminal and set his browser to refuse cookies, he can do so via the preferences of his Internet browser.
These browser options relating to cookies are usually found in the "Options", "Preferences" or "Tools" menus of the browser.


To learn more about the rules applicable to cookies, the Internet user can consult the following links:

- https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-et-autres-traceurs-la-cnil-publie-de-nouvelles-lignes-directrices ;

- https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000038783337 ;


Fate of personal data after death - Right of access, rectification, deletion and portability of data

The person concerned by a processing operation can define directives concerning the conservation, deletion and communication of his or her personal data after his or her death. These directives can be general or specific.

The data subject also has the right to access, object to, rectify, delete and, under certain conditions, port his or her personal data. The data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time if consent is the legal basis for the processing.

The request must indicate the name and surname, e-mail or postal address of the person concerned, and be signed and accompanied by a valid proof of identity.

These rights may be exercised by contacting the site owner at the following e-mail address: rgpd@wpchannel.com.

The person concerned by a processing operation has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (CNIL).